What to Expect

What should you expect at Child Network?

The CAC understands that child abuse is an extremely difficult subject to talk about. Your child is brave for sharing their story and helping other children escape abuse. Any hint or suspicion of abuse of your child causes many strong and confusing emotions. The process of determining what happened to your child and how to proceed from there may seem quite overwhelming. It is our job to ensure that your family receives swift, necessary support.

The investigation of the abuse will take place by a team of professionals, which typically includes a State's Attorney, DCFS Investigator, Police Detective, and Advocacy Center staff. The team approach to these cases keeps the process as simple as possible.

When a child arrives at the center, the Family Advocate greets the child and their non-offending family members/caretakers making them comfortable in the family waiting room. The Family Advocate briefly explains the interview process to the child and shows them the interview room.

The child is then seen by a specially trained Forensic Interviewer in order to gather specific details of the abuse in a trauma-informed and non-threatening manner. The Forensic Interviewer will take the time to make sure your child is comfortable with them and will make sure your child knows you are available if they need. Your child will know where you are while they are being interviewed.

During the interview, the Family Advocate meets with the non-offending family members/caretakers to explain the investigative process. Medical, legal and counseling advocacy referrals will be made for the victim when appropriate.

Every interview at the CAC is recorded for the purpose of the investigation. Although the recording may be used as evidence in court, it does not eliminate the child’s testimony if the case goes to court.

Upcoming Events

Dueling Pianos Fundraiser

Saturday, April 12, 2025
6:00 pm
Quality Inn & Suites, Aspen/Bristol Room, 800 N. Kinzie Av., Bradley IL

Child Network, Ascension Saint Mary and Fun Pianos proudly present a high energy, sing-along, clap-along, rock-n-roll, comedy piano show!

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